Friday, September 5, 2008

Going For A Walk

It has been said: "These boots are made for walkin'."

Well, dear readers, that's just what they'll do -

On the morning of 6 September I will set off on a walk up the California coast. Sand. Shore. Jellyfish, one hopes. I will walk for approximately 100 miles and at the end I will come face to face with -? My true Self? Pretty girls? Perhaps both. What is certain is that, shall I live on, the experience will be documented and inquiring minds satiated. Until then -

(and if the weight of that then is too much, well, don't worry)

- then is also until.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is "pretty girl[s]" plural? Is there some other beautiful blonde's house in Sonoma County you're planning on mecca-ing to?

(...Or was this just your clever way of getting me to comment?)

Remember, love: salt water isn't potable. ;)